#p <nat>Egyptian<o>pharaoh<n>Akhenaton<ac>1353<d>1336<c>Memphis<info>Akhenaton established a state cult based on worship of a sun god, Aton. His name was purged from all lists of rulers when the priests of Amon retook power.
#p <nat>Egyptian<o>pharaoh<n>Tutankhamun<d>1325
#p <nat>Egyptian<o>pharaoh<n>Rameses II<ac>1279<d>1213<c>Memphis<info>Rameses II is thought by some to be the pharaoh of the Exodus.
#e <t>use<n>glass<c>Egypt<d>2000
#e <t>use<n>irrigation systems<c>Egypt<d>2000
#e <t>use<d>2000<c>Egypt<n>quadratic equations
#e <t>use<n>metal mirrors<c>Egypt<d>1900
#e <t>battle<n>Egypt invaded by Hyksos people<d>1675(25)<c>Egypt
#e <n>Egypt ruled by Hyksos people<d>1630<e>1521<c>Egypt<info>The Hyksos were a Semitic people from western Asia.